This page is a collection of those moments or ideas that don’t take that next step but are always so valuable their own right…old projects or experiments constantly help question my way of thinking…

Hands Sculpted in ZBrush

Rendered in Blender

Post Editing in Photoshop

Clay Textures by Jama Jurabaev

Hand sculptures

These experiments originated from the pursuit of a digital reality and wanting to continue to work with clay within a digital environment. With each hand gesture being unique…the texture and clay placed on that gesture is also unique.



MILK was my masters film that was under production before we were hit with the COVID outbreak and lockdowns closed down the university. It explores the smaller stories that take place in the everyday places. In this case the human interaction between shopper and shop owner in a quiet corner shop.




These sculpts were created using a head originally sculpted in ZBrush before playing around in a trial version of Houdini to create these wire sculptures. The final scene was rendered in Blender before final touches inside Photoshop. Houdini is on my list of skills I would like to pursue as I feel the manipulation of materials will align itself with the tactile and textural feel I like to pursue in my work


Base Head Sculpted in - ZBrush

Wire Advection in - Houdini

Rendered and Post - Blender / Photoshop


DAY 05 OF 10 FILMS IN 10 DAYS—2019

Every year the Animation department at the Edinburgh College of Art embarks on an intense 10 films in 10 days project. The challenge is in the title, make a film a day for 10 days. This particular challenge was to create a film that celebrated the work of Ray Harryhaussen.

Using dinosaur toys that I modified, a quick digital painting, oil bar and a green screen, I created this in a day. The moments before an epic encounter between predator and prey